Londýnský kolektiv Republic Artists opět přiváží do Prahy skvělou sestavu djs a tentokrát budou hlavními hvězdami večera Nick Elia live (UK) a Elek-Fun (UK). Party proběhne tradičně na všech třech patrech klubu!
Nick Elia vyprodukoval a remixoval několik úspěšných techno tracků. Jeho třítrackové EP, vydané u Republic Artists Records, hráli a podporovali známí umělci jako například Spartaque, Paco Osuna, Dubspeeka, Jon Rundell, Melokolektiv, Lee Walker, Tiga nebo Hannah Wants. Track Glue hrála stanice BBC Radio 1. Remix tracku „Bending Light” se hrál na radiu Proton a Kiss fm. Nick se kromě elektroniky podílel na projektech akustické a vážné hudby ve studiích ve Velké Británii a Německu. Je lektorem SAE institutu na univerzitě v Surrey a na univerzitě v Keele. Nick zahraje “live” za pomoci mašin od Rolandu a Novation.
Dalším hostem je Elek-Fun, šéf labelu Leading Astray, který pochází z Barcelony. Label a djskou kariéru odstartoval před patnácti lety v Londýně, kde působí dodnes. Ignasi Romero Romeo je častým hostem akcí Republic Artists v klubu Egg. Jeho remix tracku Training, který vyšel na Leading Astray Records, zařadil Joseph Capriati do svého mixu Save Fabric. Stejný umělec hrál tento track v klubu DC10.
Thomas Tesla, majitel Republic Artists Records, si tentokrát vezme na starost “house stage”. Mezi známé londýnské kluby, kde Tesla hrál a momentálně hraje patří The Egg, Steelyard, MoS, Fire, Corsica Studios, Lightbox nebo legendární The Cross (RIP). Mezi další respektované kluby, kde Thomas hrál patří berlínský Tresor, Suicide Circus, Magdalena a Amnesia na Ibize. Jeho produkci najdete na labelech Tanztone, Wasabi Generals, Nightphunk nebo na již zmíněném labelu Republic Artists.
O support se postará Lucas Hulan (Microna) a Kirill Astra (Wildt /Tamdem). Techno floor, nachystá gruzínská djka Ly Sas. Na baru se můžete těšit na Lillou a Stereo Factory
Datum: 14. října 2017
Vstupné: do 23:30 - 100,- od 23:30 - 150,-
Klub: Chapeau Rouge, Jakubská 2, Praha 1;
Start: 22:00
Fb událost: www.facebook.com/events/1740315855998688
Styly: techno/house
Over the last 7 years Republic Artists and Wasabi Generals Records boss Tomasuchy AKA Thomas Tesla has slowly become an important part of London’s respected underground house & techno movement.
As a promoter, humble beginnings running intimate parties at Undersolo, Camden and Fortress Studios, Old Street gave birth to Republic Artists launch at Club Factory and over the past few years Republic Artists has grown into one of the capitals best loved techno events. Hosting parties at some of Londons key 1000 plus capacity venues, bringing some of the best boat parties the city has to offer which continually sell out weeks in advance, and giving a much needed platform for some of the exciting talent and established artists the UK has to offer
As a dj he has graced the turntables of all the major clubs in the capital, including now defunct legendary clubs Turnmills and The Cross, In 2007, he was invited to play in Thailand which included slots at the Full Moon Party, Koh Phangan and Green Mango, Koh Samui. The same year, his first ever appearance in Ibiza with a guest slot at Eden and Cream Amnesia on the terrace resulted in him being invited back each summer, with highlights including opening the main floor at Amnesia for Creams massive closing party and hosting his own events on the Island. Other gigs include trips to Czech Republic, Poland, Spain, Austria and South Africa.
As a producer, two releases under alias Thomas Tesla on Tanztone and Nightphunk recordings reflect his passion for the deeper side of house music while the creation of Wasabi Generals label and events show the need to bring those sounds to the club without distorting the techno ethos of Republic Artists and Tomasuchy.
Tomas continues to run his parties in London and Ibiza. This year focusing mainly on his record labels.
Thomas Tesla Promo Mix May / 2012
Styly: house, techno