Mooove! is a young ambitious project born on August 2012 in Irpinia (Italy), who deals in artistic production, promotion and organization of events inclined to dance oriented electronic music all-accomplished, with the goal to break the usual canons by electronic music events, based only on one main-guest or following last mainstream-trends.
We like to describe as dancers and user demanding quality music with great attitude to the contemporary and aware of the spaces, landscapes and shapes that we live around. Although we usually prefered locations far from urban centers, we believe it is inevitable for who loves underground culture, the idea of contextualizing the project Mooove! into "clubbing" scene.
Well-know in south-italy for organizing Sonazone Festival in the last for years for Ariano Folkfestival (, we start to produce our first event outside the Italian borders as an 360 °audio-visual experience based on our usual constants: music, fun, interest in art performances and visual arts and of course music.
C LAB LANDSCAPES expresses our idea to develop an audio-visual laboratory through Mooove-concepts: a laboratory inside a club to discover new landscapes for urban scenery.
The musical proposal on 25th April is essentially based on Schwa's djset at middle of the night, around which will play the two show-case by two different nations from which come our guests: Italy and Germany. A challenge, or rather an artistic confrontation or even better a complete music experience that will range from dubtechno by Ate Lier - new member of Mooove - into best techno / acid-house by our Nicola Virnicchi (that will represent the Sub: ion) until the best north-europee deep/tech-house played by Daniel Bruns untill more linear minimal techno vibes with Danjel Litzky - supporters of this event for the labels Cirque du Son and MinimalFusionKultur.
As special supporters we are glad to have Beef Records, with the person of Dj Schwa, who will represent the identity of Prague as one of the most famous czech-dj on the international scene between Europe to Australia. The affinity between Mooove! and Beef is obviously not only in the icon visual-key but also and above the musical and artistic attitudes.
In this Mooove!-Laboratory we will not miss art: the illustrations by Andrea Mangiri, Bio-DPI and the american artist Chris Pyrate are just the beginning. The music-stage and dancefloor will be arranged in a new frame that will charaterizes Chapeau Rouge trough our "ecodesign-key".
Other artists will be Chiara Manchovas (uk), Niña Silla (es), Tetiana Kartasheva (ukr), Claudia Scoscia (it), Peppebbox (it)
Ariano Folkfestival – that will celebrates own 20th anniversary at Bar-Floor – and Electric Lorem will be our partner for this event.
Fb event:
Styly: house/techno/electronic
Michal Schwa jeden z mála českých DJs, který má kalendář plný prestižních zahraničních akcí a navíc stojí za uznávaným labelem (Beef records). V době, kdy už o úspěchu producenta elektronické muziky pranic nerozhoduje počet prodaných desek, se právě Michalův projekt Shades of Gray pravidelně umísťuje mezi nejstahovanějšími autory na DJském portálu
Jeho projekt Shades of Gray slaví se svým debutovým albem "Soul Machine" úspěchy po celém světě a prestižní časopis Dj mag zařadil toto album mezi 50 nejlepších elektronických alb roku 2012. I díky tomu Schwa spolupracuje s mnoha zvučnými jmény světové taneční scény (například Miguel Migs a Djuma Soundsystem) a jen za poslední stihnul hraní v Austrálii, Hondurasu, USA, Itálii, Londýně, Barceloně, Indii, Thajsku a také na mnoha domácích akcích.
Hudbou se začal zabývat díky tatínkovi, který je sám muzikant a který v Praze vlastní známé nahrávací studio ( V roce 2004 se Michal stává spolumajitelem úspěšného progressivního labelu Tribal Vision, avšak na konci 2005 náhle mění svůj styl a zakládá vlastní inovativní vydavatelství Beef records. Na teto značce vydávají producenti jako Pezzner, Mike Monday, The Timewriter, Joyce Muniz, Inxec, Deepchild a další. Pres 6 let Michal strávil v Australském městě Sydney. Od roku 2011 je zpět v Praze a pravidelně hraje po cele Evropě, USA a Asii. V Praze ho můžete slyšet v klubech Roxy, Bukanýr, Le Clan a Chapeau Rouge.
Styly: techno
Daniel začínal na hudební scéně v Německu v roce 2000 jako promotér pro PIAS Recordings. Pracoval pro zavedené umělce jako Mr. Oizo, Laurent Garnier, Agoria, Blaze atp. Chvíli poté se stal součástí "Special Marketing Teamu" a spolupracoval na více než 50 kompilacích (např. D. Trance) a zanedlouho začal pracovat na své vlastní tvorbě.
Mezi jeho poslední produkce patří Smith & Burns s Peer Schmidem pro Deepdub Recordings.
Daniel entered the music biz as dj promoter for PIAS Recordings Germany in 2000. Working for established artists like Mr. Oizo, Laurent Garnier, Agoria, Blaze, etc. he was quickly appointed to the “Special Marketing Team” where he further worked and oversaw more than 50 compilations – amongst them such blockbusters as the “D.Trance” series. His own brainchild the “eye-trance” compilation series enabled him to further develop his own musical visions and gave birth to Daniels first own productions.
Listen to his latest Smith & Burns productions with Peer Schmid on Deepdub Recordings, as well as his releases and on Cirque du Son. Being a regular dj behind the decks in many local clubs, Daniel produces diverse club events like “ZOO” or “Cirque du Son″, where he has been hosting the stage for the likes of Butch, Blake Baxter, Pig & Dan or Format: B.
Styly: tech house
Danjel se narodil v roce 1982 v Drážďanech, ve svých 15 letech ale zamířil do Berlína. Tam měl možnost rozvíjet svou hudební tvorbu - začínal např. na techno akcích "Schranz" V roce 2002 se přestěhoval do Hamburku, kde se uchytil na techno/minimal scéně a založil skupinu Saetisfai a djské seskupení Minimal Fusion Kultur.
Born in 1982 in Dresden, he followed with 15 years of reputation in the capital. Arrived in Berlin, he developed his electronic music taste, starting with a techno-event call "Schranz" until early 2000. In 2002 he moved to Hamburg where he begin his career into techno/minimal scene founding the party Saetisfai and the dj-crew Minimal Fusion Kultur, that counts actually the biggest open-airs in the city.
Sub:ion je elektronické duo z Avellina, Jižní Itálie. Tvoří ho Pier Giuseppe Mariconda a Nicola Virnicchi, kteří hrají vše od dubu až po acid techno.
Sub:ion is an electronic music duo based in Avellino, South Italy, consisting of Pier Giuseppe Mariconda and Nicola Virnicchi that join their forces in an analog/digital live ranging from dub to acid techno.
Projekt Atelier vznikl v květnu 2012 v Berlíně. Skrývá se za ním italský DJ a producent, který má za sebou dvě EP vydaná u argentinských Krad Records. Kromě Itálie pracoval a tvořil i v Bruselu, aby se vrátil do Berlína a začal spolupracovat s Electric Lorem.
Atelier is a project born in Berlin in May of 2012. Dj and italian producer, he released two EP with the Argentinian Krad Records and one remixed release. Again in Italy he produced a track for the 100th release of "Ephedrina Netlabel" based in Rome. Althrought he has few released with different net-labels in Italy. After few years in Bruxelles, he moved back to Berlin starting at the same time his collaboration with Electric Lorem. From the opposite side of the globe Atelier is member of Kittikun Shoutcast Radio staff in Tokyo.