, ethno-folk
Jordi Gayoso - se řadí mezi nejvýraznější umělce španělské hudební scény. Jeho tvorba se pohybuje na pomezí world music, rocku a etno-techna. V hudebním světě působí více než 30 let a jako Lord Sassafrass procestoval se svou show celé Španělsko. Pravidelně vystupuje také ve zbytku Evropy, zahrál si např. ve Slovinsku, Belgii, Dánsku, Švýcarsku, Francii, Maďarsku, Itálii, na akci Womex 07, ale také v Číně a Jižní Americe. Vystoupil i na mnoha mezinárodních festivalech zaměřených na world music a angažuje se i jako autor divadelní hudby.
He is a figure head of the spanish scene, and an active, multi-oriented artist. The Lord’s music is like a mutant form, rooting in the traditional and sunny sounds of the certain type of World Music; and also in genuine modern rock or ethnical techno. This intriguing offspring under the name “Mafia Mondiale”, is heating up the festivals’Dance Floors ever-increasingly. Jordi Gayoso has been working for more than 30 years in the music world under the name of Lord Sassafras. As Lord Sassafras he has toured all over Spain. He also performs regularly in Europe and has been to Slovenia, Belgium, Denmark, Swizerland, France, Hungary, Italy, Womex'07.. playing at internationals Festivals and Clubs, specialising in World Music. His continuous search has also taken him to Africa (MASA Festival, Abijan, Ivory Coast) and South America (Strictly Mundial, Salvador de Bahía, Brasil) and China. He has also composed soundscores for the theatre and dance companys.